Saturday, 16 December 2023

Sketch #741

  Good Morning Everyone...

Welcome to another challenge with Sketch Saturday!!
Before we get to the sketch, this is our last challenge for 2023. The Design Team will take a short break to enjoy the holidays and return early in the new year. 
For those who love to craft during the holidays, this challenge will remain open until January 12, 2024. 
And, we'll open a second link-up just after December 25th so that you can check out past challenges and show us the NEW projects you create with OLD sketches! 
Whatever this time of year is about for you, 
we hope that you and your loved ones have a happy and healthy break and that you enter the new year ready and willing to take on life's challenges and opportunities, 
whatever they may be! 
Let's take a look at this's Sketch #741:
Looking for a twist? Have you tried...
Time for a Theme: BIRTHDAY!!!

Enjoy this inspiration from our talented design team...

1 comment:

Thank you for joining in the fun!