Friday 6 October 2023

Top 3 For Sketch Saturday #735

  Hello Friends, it's time to announce our
Top 3 winners for Sketch 735!

We had beautiful entries from all making it once again 
a difficult decision to choose!
Thank you to all that entered and took the time to play with our fun sketch!

#2 Heidi

Congratulations to our Top 3! 
Please grab your Top 3  badge from our side bar
to display proudly on your blogs.
Thanks again to everyone who entered our challenge.
Please come back Saturday for another fabulous challenge and sketch!


  1. Thanks so much for the pick! Congratulations Jennie and Heidi too - this was a great sketch!

  2. Oh, vielen lieben Dank, dasss ihr meine Karte ausgewählt habt, ich freue mich sehr!

    Liebe Grüße -


Thank you for joining in the fun!