Sunday 2 January 2022

Holiday Break


Hello Sketch Saturday players!!

  2021 was another interesting year, including for the members of our Design Team. 

 It's easy to get swept away with the challenges of real life. 

And while we enjoy the break that our sketches provide, we need a little extra time to take a few deep breaths and prepare for our 2022 year.

Sketch Saturday will be back on January 15, 2022 
with some changes. 

We are moving to a bi-weekly challenge blog.
We hope that this format will give people a bit more time to prepare a creation based on our sketch challenge. We'll try to bring some new ideas to you this year too, and hope this will give you some ideas to use our sketches multiple times in your work!
If you have an idea you'd like to see on our blog, in addition to the weekly sketches, 
please leave us a comment.

Finally, we want to thank Riley and Company for their sponsor of our challenge blog over the past two years. We are incredibly grateful to their support. 
Challenges for 2022 will focus on featuring more of our player entries,with the occasional prize offering. We hope you'll continue to play along with us. 

Thank you so much for your support over the years!!

~ The Saturday Girls ~

Hope you will join us with our first 2022 challenge on January 15th!


  1. Thank you for all the challenges.
    Happy New Year and enjoy your break

  2. Thank you for all the challenges.
    Happy New Year.

  3. Sounds great! I hope you have a nice and relaxing break. My only suggestion would be more timely announcements of winners and picks. I enjoy your sketches and used to play here a lot but got discouraged by the lack of winners posts, just being honest. Some weeks there were no DT inspiration cards, which made me wonder if everything was okay. I really do enjoy the inspiration of sketches so I look forward to seeing what you have planned! Happy New Year!

  4. Forgot to add... I really like the change to bi-weekly challenges! Thank you!

  5. Happy New Year and enjoy your time off!

  6. I think it's a great idea to move to bi-weekly challenges. I love a sketch challenge and this will give me more time to use it. Thanks so much!


Thank you for joining in the fun!