Friday 12 January 2024

Top 3 For Sketch #741 AND Let's Sketch The Break Away

 Hello Sketch Saturday friends!
Thank you to all that joined us for  our Sketch
#741and for our Sketch The Break Away Challenges,
we appreciate you so much!!

First up are our Top Winners for Sketch #741:

#1 Christine

Congratulations to our Top 3! 
Please grab your Top 3  badge from our side bar
to display proudly on your blogs.

Now onto our Top 3 for Let's Sketch The Break Away

Congratulations to our Top 3! 
Please grab your Top 3  badge from our side bar
to display proudly on your blogs.
Thanks again to everyone who entered our challenges.
Please come back Saturday for another fabulous challenge and sketch!


  1. Thanks for the wonderful surprise of putting my card among the top 3 along with Jessica and Christine! I'm doing the happy dance for the honor!

  2. Great fun to find out I was a top pick. Super cards by all. Cheers, Jolanda


Thank you for joining in the fun!