Saturday, 26 September 2020

Week #629

Good Morning Everyone...

Welcome to another challenge with Sketch Saturday.

Sketch Saturday's 2020 sponsor is Riley and Company

Riley and Company is the original home of snark.
Please stop by their website and 
check out the great selection of sentiments to tickle your Funny Bone!

We are grateful for our sponsor's support.
Our winner of this weeks' challenge will win a prize from our sponsor!

Here is sketch #629:

Inspiration from the design team...


Hope you will join us!

Winner #627

And, now our winner of last week's sketch challenge #627,
sponsored by Riley and Company is

Lori Carson

with this fantastic card!

You won a prize from Riley and Company!

Please leave a comment below and 
email Heather at 
 for details of how to claim your prize.

Grab your winner's badge!

And now for our Top 3!
{Listed in no particular order}

Lauren Bergold


and Charlotte E (Lady Joyful)

Congratulations! Grab your Top 3 badge!


A big Thank You to all who played last week!

Saturday, 19 September 2020


For our current Sketch Challenge, please click here!


Sketch Saturday is having a Design Team Call!!!

Would you like to be a member of the Sketch Saturday Design Team? We are looking for a few talented designers to join our Design Team so if you think you would be an asset to our team, please see all the details below:

 We’re looking for people who love to work with sketches and want the freedom to work with images of their choice.

 Design Team Requirements:

  • Term commitment begins as sooner as you're ready to jump in.
  • You will be required to submit one card or project every-other week, following the sketch.
  • You are not required to use sponsor images. Our 2020 sponsor is Riley and Company, so working with their images would be very welcomed, but not required.
  • You must leave comments according to the assigned comment rotation
  • An active blog and/or social medial account, updated each week with the new challenge, is preferred included a link back to Sketch Saturday as well as our sponsor. However, those who don’t maintain a blog, but can reliably provide a sample for the Sketch Saturday page and complete commenting will also be considered.
  • You must regularly check the private Design Team blog and/or FB DT Group for DT updates and information.
  • Everyone is welcome to apply and we welcome applicants from anywhere in the world, with a variety of different styles.

How to Apply:

  • Please send an email to Heather: with 'DT APPLICATION' as the subject line, and
  • Include your name, location, email address and blog/social media URL, and
  • Include three samples of your best/favourite work. This can be attached to the email or links to your blog.

Successful applicants will be contacted ASAP and invited to join the team.

Thank you so much to all who apply - we're very excited to see your applications.


Week #628

Good Morning Everyone...

Welcome to another challenge with Sketch Saturday.

Sketch Saturday's 2020 sponsor is Riley and Company

Riley and Company is the original home of snark.
Please stop by their website and 
check out the great selection of sentiments to tickle your Funny Bone!

We are grateful for our sponsor's support.
Our winner of this weeks' challenge will win a prize from our sponsor!

Here is sketch #628:

Inspiration from the design team...

Hope you will join us!

Winner #626

And, now our winner of last week's sketch challenge #626,
sponsored by Riley and Company is


with this fantastic card!

You won a prize from Riley and Company!

Please leave a comment below and 
email Heather at 
 for details of how to claim your prize.

Grab your winner's badge!

And now for our Top 3!
{Listed in no particular order}

Lilian/The Leaf Studio

Becca Yahrling

and Colien

Congratulations! Grab your Top 3 badge!


A big Thank You to all who played last week!