Sunday, 1 February 2009

Linking your work.

You will help us a great deal if you leave a direct link to your work.
Do you need help on how to do this?
It is so much easier to visit someone elses blog when there is a direct link for us as a design team or for any of the other challengers to click on so that it takes us straight to your card or challenge entry.

After you have posted your work on your own blog, please copy the link to that post by left-clicking on your address bar at the top of your screen, doing this will highlight the text similar to the example below...

If you look at the address bar of this page you are reading now, you will see this :

Obviously when you are on your own blog page, your text will have your own blog address followed by the date and post title all in one long stream of text. This is what you need to copy, NOT our blog address!!.

Alternatively, using your mouse, place your cursor at the beginning of the text, then left-click and hold the left mouse button, while pulling your mouse over the text. This should highlight the text. Now release the left mouse button.

Next, with the cursor over the highlighted text, right-click the mouse for options, and select 'copy'. You have now copied the url of your challenge entry.

Now to 'paste' this url into a code that will enable us to see your work with one click, you first need to type the following code into the box when leaving your comment...

but where it says URL, you need to remove that and replace it with the url you have copied,
to do this, delete the word URL or if you've already deleted it left-click between the two " symbols, either way the cursor should now be between these symbols. Now right-click for options and select 'paste'. The url that you copied will now be between the two " symbols.
That's it!
Once you have saved your comment, it will simply show as

Here's my entry
except that we can click on those words and we will be taken directly to your blog to see your work :)

I hope this helps you to leave a link to your entries, and thank you for helping us to visit your blogs.

Please leave your links on the challenge thread, thanks :)

UPDATE: we no longer take entries using a link in the comments, please use the url of your blog POST (not just the url to your blog) and leave it with mr linky, thank you.

Our challenge rules are shown in the sidebar.